authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
验证专家 在市场营销
14 Years 的经验

Gabriel is a digital marketing expert and product manager. He has launched products and services for multinational organizations including Nestlé, Citibank, 和加拿大皇家银行, 他是哪里的加密资产主管, 数字资产, 和人工智能产品. Gabriel takes an entrepreneurial approach to all his roles, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and innovations for successful outcomes.





Digital marketing has evolved quickly—spanning the birth of social media, 广告的目标, 和cookie对移动设备的统治, video, 在不到二十年的时间里实现了个性化. Augmented reality (AR) has emerged as another groundbreaking force in this dynamic field, transforming the way brands engage their customers.

AR offers an 互动 experience that layers digital enhancements over the real world, and its applications in marketing span many industries, 包括零售, tourism, 娱乐, and food. 与虚拟现实(VR)不同, which offers a completely digital environment, AR creates an immersive experience by bridging the user’s digital and physical worlds, 通常是通过智能手机或平板电脑, making it more practical for everyday marketing applications.

This distinction has positioned AR as a widely accessible technology that can be highly effective in captivating consumers. In a 2021 research report, 74% of respondents agreed that ads featuring AR的可能性更大 比普通广告更能抓住他们的兴趣. 而最近推出的 Apple Vision Pro indicates that AR tech will continue to become an increasingly integral part of our daily lives, 因此我们 营销策略.

The majority of consumers agree: They would like to see more AR ads, 增强现实广告对品牌有积极的影响, AR广告很吸引眼球.


In my previous role as an advisor to, a pioneering platform at the forefront of AR integration into live events and 营销策略, I gained firsthand experience with the power AR has to create innovative and memorable engagement opportunities. 从电影宣传和 虚拟试穿 to 社交媒体过滤器 and 互动 advertising, the applications of AR in marketing are vast. Here are some notable applications of AR advertising from top brands in recent years:

Ikea Place

Apple made Ikea a launch partner for its ARKit back in 2017, positioning the brand as a pioneer of new retail technology. Its app, Ikea Place, can stage virtual furniture in a three-dimensional space via a smartphone’s camera, enabling customers to visualize the product’s proportion, style, and functionality in their actual homes before making a purchase. The company has since expanded its AR offering with another app, 宜家工作室, 这使得用户能够设计整个房间.


2021年,这家电子商务巨头开设了自己的旗舰店 只有实体沙龙 featuring AR as a prominent part of its offering: The technology lets customers virtually experiment with different hair colors and styles before making a real-world commitment.


Gucci was a pioneer among high-end brands, facilitating 虚拟试穿 for its shoes in 2019. In 2021 the company took the concept one step further, releasing the first 数字专用运动鞋 using AR. Users can purchase and wear them outside of the Gucci app, 在Roblox或VRChat等虚拟世界中.

Snap Shack

Shake Shack partnered with Snapchat during 2021’s AdWeek to create an AR-enabled 沉浸式快闪美食体验 在纽约市. 在为期四天的活动中, the physical store featured a giant french fry and a virtual try-on mirror for custom merchandise, both of which could be activated using Snapchat.


When Sony partnered with AWS, it utilized AR to promote the movie release of 勇敢者:更上一层楼. 在第一次声控AR体验中, users visiting the website on their mobile device were offered a Jumanji map and the opportunity to explore three locations featured in the film. Sony shot exclusive video content with the cast for the virtual experience and achieved 高接触 结果是.

These examples demonstrate the breadth of recent AR applications in advertising, each focusing on transforming the customer experience. 促进更深层次的互动, AR provides consumers with a richer understanding of products or services before they purchase, 加强他们的决策过程.

As AR becomes a mainstay in the digital marketing realm, brands are finding ever more creative ways to apply the technology in their campaigns, 包括社交媒体项目.


Today, social media presence is considered a vital growth asset for any business, as consumers increasingly use it as a tool for research, 客户服务, 和购物. It can also garner greater consumer loyalty: 63% of Instagram users believe the platform allows them to form 与品牌建立有意义的联系. AR is being used in social media to deepen these connections and broaden the reach of brands.

随着像 Snap AR and Meta Spark Studio, companies can build their own branded filters to increase visibility and engagement, 鼓励用户生成内容, 有效地 turning users into brand ambassadors. 例如,巴黎欧莱雅推出了 眉毛查找滤镜 on TikTok, offering users a brow-shaping template to follow. The filter quickly went viral across the platform, amassing thousands of videos in which users try out the template or provide a tutorial.

TikTok users create their own videos using the L’Oreal Paris Brow Finder AR filter.
By creating an AR filter that offers users a template for brow shaping, L’Oreal Paris was able to expand brand visibility and reach via user-generated content. (TikTok)

Using AR on social media brings several other benefits:

  • 提升品牌体验: Social media AR filters personalize the brand experience, making it more engaging and entertaining. The 互动 nature of AR filters encourages users to spend more time on the app, 从而提高参与率.
  • 病毒式内容创造: AR filters contribute to the creation of viral content. 通过提供独特和创新的过滤器, 用户可以创建突出的内容, 增加病毒式传播的可能性. 这个病毒营销, in turn, 吸引更多用户使用品牌, creating a cycle of engagement and content creation​​​​.
  • 数据驱动的见解: The use of AR filters allows businesses to gather insights and data on user preferences and behaviors, which can be utilized for targeted 营销策略 and to further enhance user experiences.

When it comes to marketing, social media AR filters should not be underestimated. 公司可以扩大他们的影响力, strengthen users’ connections to their brand, 并在乐趣中产生有用的见解, original, 以及经济有效的方法.

The Future of Augmented Reality 在市场营销

AR不仅仅是一种时尚. It is now a pivotal element in customer engagement across many sectors, and its imprint on digital marketing will only continue to grow. Its application by well-known companies such as Ikea and Amazon, and its prevalence on social media platforms, show a readiness within the marketing industry to embrace the technology, using it to foster deeper brand recognition and loyalty. Here’s what I predict for AR in marketing in the near future:

  • 高级个性化和定制: Future technologies are expected to offer the opportunity for 更大的个性化. Brands will leverage AR to provide consumers with highly customized product visualizations and recommendations based on their preferences and behaviors​​.
  • Integration with 人工智能和机器学习: 增强现实技术将与 人工智能和机器学习 to enable more intelligent and responsive AR experiences. This integration will allow AR systems to learn from user interactions, improving the relevance and effectiveness of marketing campaigns over time​​.
  • 增加在零售和电子商务中的应用: 增强现实将在中国变得更加普遍 零售和电子商务, with 虚拟试穿 and in-store navigation becoming standard features. This will enhance the shopping experience, reduce returns, and increase customer satisfaction​​​​.
  • 移动设备以外的扩展: 新硬件的开发, 比如增强现实眼镜, will allow immersive experiences to move beyond smartphones and tablets and become integrated more into daily life. This will open up new avenues for creative marketing and customer engagement​​​​.
  • 增强社交媒体参与度: 随着AR技术的进步, we can anticipate its evolution on social media platforms to include more sophisticated and 互动 AR filters and lenses that leverage machine learning for personalized experiences. This could mean filters that adapt to user preferences or react to real-time data, 比如天气或地点, to create highly relevant and engaging content. Social media platforms may introduce AR functionalities that allow for virtual product trials directly from advertisements, 创造无缝的购物体验.
  • 更大的可访问性: AR technology will become more accessible and appealing to a wider audience through advancements in smartphone technology. Simplified AR interfaces and improved digital literacy will ensure experiences are intuitive for all users, 允许营销人员 吸引不同的客户群 有效地.

As the technology develops and users become more accustomed to AR, brands will be able to deepen user engagement, 加强个性化, and create new ways to connect with their audiences.

AR’s integration of digital information with the real world offers endless opportunities to create powerful and versatile marketing tools. 凭借其创造身临其境的能力, 互动, 个性化的客户体验, AR tech enables brands to capture the attention of diverse audiences in innovative ways. 随着AR的发展, it will unlock new possibilities in digital marketing, setting the course for a future in which virtual enhancements become part of our everyday brand experiences.


  • How is augmented reality being used in marketing?

    Augmented reality (AR) is being used in digital marketing campaigns by many top brands. Applications range from 互动 ads and 社交媒体过滤器 to product try-ons and film promotions.

  • AR营销的一个例子是什么?

    AR营销的一个例子是宜家广场, an app that lets customers visualize how furniture will look in their homes.

  • AR现实如何提高销售额?

    Augmented reality can increase sales by fostering greater customer engagement and connection, 怎样才能最终提高品牌忠诚度. It can also provide customers with a deeper understanding of products before they purchase, 带来更大的信任和满足感.

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验证专家 在市场营销
14 Years 的经验




Gabriel is a digital marketing expert and product manager. He has launched products and services for multinational organizations including Nestlé, Citibank, 和加拿大皇家银行, 他是哪里的加密资产主管, 数字资产, 和人工智能产品. Gabriel takes an entrepreneurial approach to all his roles, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and innovations for successful outcomes.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.






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